An introductory site to this popular & wonderful route.

An introductory site to this popular & wonderful route

No comments anymore… and about the future of this blog

Hi to anyone of you who reads this message. Unfortunately, due to the increased number of spam comments I have to delete everyday, I just disabled the comments feature on this blog. I am very sorry about that because we helped so many people with their plans about cycling throughout the Ecovia.

However, things change so I am afraid the time for this blog is up. If anybody wants to continue this adventure, I will happily transfer this domain and all content to him/her. Else, I think I will decide to close it in one months’ time.

No matter what it will happen, I am extremely grateful to all contributors, all readers of this blog, and to the Ecovia itself, which allowed me to live a double adventure, first on the road and then on the internet!

Image by Thomas from Pixabay

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